Why Are Whovians Celebrating Steven Moffat's Return? His Top 5 Episodes Can Explain

Why Are Whovians Celebrating Steven Moffat's Return? His Top 5 Episodes Can Explain
Image credit: BBC

Looks like we are in for a wild ride this year.

On May 11th, Doctor Who enters a new era. Season 14 arrives with two new episodes that will premiere simultaneously on BBC iPlayer and Disney+.

Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor will apparently bring many changes to the image of the fan-adored Time Lord, with his penchant for different outfits and cheerful youthfulness. And he might just get some of the best stories in the show's history.

Why is that? Because in addition to a bigger budget and Russell T. Davies as showrunner, the return of veteran Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat has been confirmed. Moffat has reportedly penned one episode of the upcoming season (it is called 'Boom' and will be the third). But fans are hoping he will stay for more.

'RTD as showrunner + Moffat as a writer resulted in some of my all-time favorite episodes. I'm excited,' one Whovian wrote on Reddit, echoing the sentiments of many others.

If you're still not sure why people are so hyped up about 'Boom', here are the top 5 Moffat episodes that perfectly showcase his genius. Interestingly, these episodes are also the best of the entire modern era, according to IMDb users.

S5E10: Vincent and the Doctor

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IMDb rating: 9.3/10

Written by: Steven Moffat, Richard Curtis, Sydney Newman

The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) go back to 19th-century France to meet Vincent van Gogh and help him with a terrifying creature only he can see. While the plot is suspenseful and gripping, it also provides a beautiful metaphor for mental health issues.

50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor

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IMDb rating: 9.3/10

Written by: Steven Moffat, Terry Nation, Robert Banks Stewart

Yes, the famous episode showing the true fate of Gallifrey and featuring several Doctors all proving their status as universal heroes and wise protectors was also written by Moffat. The special proved that Doctor Who is good to go for at least another 50 years.

S4E8: Silence in the Library & S4E9 Forest of the Dead

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IMDb rating: 9.3/10 & 9.4/10

Written by: Steven Moffat & Sydney Newman

Very few Doctor Who stories hit as hard as these two episodes do. Moffat took a creative risk by introducing a major character (River Song, played by Alex Kingston) and wrapping up her arc in the short span of an hour and a half. And the risk totally paid off. It was a perfect kick-off to the craziest Doctor Who storyline.

S9E11: Heaven Sent

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IMDb rating: 9.6/10

Written by: Steven Moffat & Sydney Newman

In this episode, Steven Moffat's writing combined with Peter Capaldi's breathtaking performance to create one of Doctor Who's most mind-blowing arcs. The Twelfth is locked in an eerie castle where he is targeted by a hooded monster and must find a way out. Makes your hair stand on end to think how much time the Doctor spends there.

S3E10: Blink

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IMDb rating: 9.8/10

Written by: Steven Moffat & Sydney Newman

This is Moffat's masterpiece, which is not only considered to be the best Doctor Who episode ever, but also deserves to be at the top of the sci-fi genre in general. Moffat came up with the idea of the Weeping Angels that haunt our nightmares to this day, and that alone should make you excited about his return. What else can this man do? Please, just give him a pen right this second.

Do you agree that Blink is the best Doctor Who episode?