What is Nathan Fillion's Salary Per Episode on The Rookie?

Nolan would have had to save for decades to achieve the same net worth!
- Over the course of his 30-year career, Nathan Fillion has amassed a massive fortune.
- While this is largely due to Castle, his salary from The Rookie is also quite high.
- John Nolan makes as much per month as Nathan Fillion makes per episode.
Nathan Fillion is one of the most recognizable actors among those who have found television to be more than just soap operas since the early noughties. After rising to fame as Malcolm Reynolds on Firefly, Fillion is also known for his roles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and James Gunn's PG Porn. And, of course, the title role in Castle, which not only earned him an impressive fortune, but also paved his way to bigger projects, including the feature films The Suicide Squad, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and the upcoming Superman, in which Fillion will play Green Lantern.
However, Nathan Fillion's biggest role right now is that of John Nolan in The Rookie. For nearly six years, ABC audiences have enjoyed the series, which focuses on the challenging working life of the LAPD, earning the show a renewal for a new seventh season in April 2024. But how much does the actor earn considering the popularity of The Rookie? Let's find out what Nathan Fillion's salary is per episode and if John Nolan will ever be able to accumulate such a sum.
What Is Nathan Fillion's Net Worth?
In addition to the projects mentioned above, Nathan Fillion is also known in the pop culture world as the voice of many characters in video games, audiobooks, animated series from Robot Chicken to Big Mouth, and also through many episodic roles in live-action series. All of this has provided the actor with a very impressive fortune.
According to Celebrity Net Worth, the Firefly alum has amassed an impressive $20 million during his prolific career. Talking about his role in The Rookie, as well as what it's like to jump into a new project after finishing Castle, Fillion said he's incredibly grateful to remain a relevant performer in film and television. His quote can be found below:
'I don't know how much it is "starting over" as much as it is "keep going." I'm so fortunate in this industry to have a job. You hope you work and you hope it's great. When people enjoy it, even better. When you are regarded as a success, you've made it. If you can continue to work after that and remain somewhat relevant? My secret is riding on coattails.'
How Much Does He Get Paid for Starring in The Rookie?
The majority of Fillion's net worth stems from his role as Richard Castle: Celebrity Net Worth indicates that he averaged $100,000 per episode, and Forbes noted in 2016 that the actor was paid $12 million for the final season of Castle. That's more than $500,000 for each of the 22 episodes of Season 8.
In the case of The Rookie, the actor is still paid a substantial salary. According to various reports, Nathan Fillion also receives $100,000 for each episode of the ABC procedural, which means the actor earns about $1 million to $2.2 million per season. But do not forget that he is also an executive producer of the show, so his salary can be doubled.
And What about John Nolan's Salary?
Unlike his character, Fillion is not a rookie to the acting craft, and his salary is the result of a 30-year career. John Nolan, on the other hand, would have to save for many years to come close to Fillion's salary.
Since Season 5, Nolan has been promoted to the rank of Police Officer III. According to Glassdoor, an LAPD Police Officer III makes a base salary between $78,000 and $115,000 per year, which is literally as much (and sometimes less) than Nathan Fillion makes for a single episode of The Rookie.
Source: Celebrity Net Worth, TV Insider, Glassdoor.