
We Are Not Ready: Heartstopper S3 Storyline Sure To Break Viewers' Hearts

We Are Not Ready: Heartstopper S3 Storyline Sure To Break Viewers' Hearts
Image credit: Netflix

Did Heartstopper Season 2 tug at your heartstrings? Well, buckle up for Season 3.


  • Season 1 of Heatstopper was all sweetness and innocence, but Season 2 delved into deeper, more mature themes.
  • From the heartbreaking scenes in Paris to the emotionally charged season finale, last year's episodes tugged at viewers' heartstrings.
  • And now, as Season 3 slowly approaches, it seems the devastation is far from over.

Remember how Season 1 of Heartstopper was like basking in the sunshine with its adorable boy-on-boy and girl-on-girl crushes and heartwarming friendships?

That sweet, lighthearted vibe was toned down considerably in Season 2. And it looks like Season 3, which arrives on Netflix this October, may take us all on an emotional rollercoaster ride we are not ready for.

The reason for this not-so-welcome prophecy is Alice Oseman's graphic novels, which dive into some seriously heavy stuff as the main characters, Nick and Charlie, and their relationship develop and mature.

Charlie's Battle With Eating Disorder

Season 2 featured some dark storylines like Nick's struggle to come out and Charlie's eating disorder. While Nick emerged victorious from his battle, Charlie's journey is just beginning.

From the first episodes of the season, Heartstopper raised red flags about Charlie's health. Things like buying a candy bar for Nick may seem sweet to some, but to those familiar with eating disorders, it was like a flashing neon warning sign.

As the season unfolded, Nick—and all of us—started noticing Charlie's worrying behavior: skipping meals, struggling with body image, the whole nine yards. And then Paris happened. Charlie collapsed, and suddenly, it was impossible to ignore what was going on. But it wasn't until the season finale that we really felt the weight of Charlie's struggles.

In a gut-wrenching moment, Charlie finally opened up about the things tormenting him - homophobic bullying, traumatic experiences with Ben, and the stress of navigating high school romance all came crashing down on him, leading to his battle with body dysmorphia, an eating disorder and self-harming.

Season 3 Could Get Even Darker

If you thought this heart-to-heart talk between the boys was going to be the point where things get better, we're afraid it's not looking that way so far.

When October arrives, you better hold onto your tissues because with Volume 4 of Alice Oseman’s graphic novels as its inspiration, Season 3 might provide some seriously intense and heart-wrenching scenes.

Remember when Nick made Charlie promise they'd face any future struggles together? Well, that's a promise they're going to have to keep. Because in Volume 4, Charlie is back to cutting himself, and his eating disorder has taken a turn for the worse.

The moment when Charlie confides in Nick about his struggles is utterly heartbreaking in the book. The live adaptation of this scene is sure to break many fans.

We Are Not Ready: Heartstopper S3 Storyline Sure To Break Viewers' Hearts - image 1

However, there's a silver lining - thanks to Nick's unwavering support, Charlie takes the brave step of seeking professional help. It's not easy; Charlie finds himself in a psychiatric ward, battling anxiety, depression, anorexia, and OCD. But with time and determination, he starts to regain control.

As Season 3 looms on the horizon, we can't help but wonder how much of this story will be adapted for the show. Will Alice Oseman stay true to her book and put us all through the emotional wringer? One thing is for sure: Whatever happens, Nick and Heartstopper fans will be there to cheer Charlie on every step of the way.

Do you think Charlie's arc in Season 3 will mirror his storyline in the books?