Top 5 Mind-Blowing Rick and Morty Gadgets Fans Want To Get Their Hands On

Which one would you choose?
Rick and Morty was a groundbreaking show in many ways. Ten years ago, long before the MCU's superheroes discovered the multiverse and were still having all their adventures on Earth-616, a slightly mad genius scientist and his clumsy grandson started wielding a portal gun and jumping to every alternate universe imaginable.
But portal technology and the wonders it opens up are not the only things that make your jaw drop while watching the sci-fi cartoon. There are plenty of other awe-inspiring gadgets, some of which would be perfect for our everyday lives.
Here are five Rick and Morty devices and technologies that fans would give anything to have.
Appearance: S6E4 Night Family
The Somnambulator allows the user to program their body and brain to perform tedious tasks (like washing dishes and exercising) during the unconscious time of night sleep. Of course, the series showed that unwise use of this tech can lead to nightmarish split personalities, but hey, we would use it carefully, right?
Attribute Slider
Appearance: S7E7 Wet Kuat American Summer
This is a newer Rick invention, but fans would certainly pay big bucks for the Attribute Slider, which allows users to adjust their natural traits: strength, charisma, dexterity, and intelligence. The hope is that the available stat points will be high enough for all four attributes to be above average.
Meeseeks Box
Appearance: S1E5 Meeseeks and Destroy
Why bother creating a dangerous night person or increasing your dexterity when you have a box that can conjure up a capable and eager helper for any job? A Meeseeks Box is a choice for truly lazy fans. Just remember, don't task Mr. Meeseeks with the impossible – like world domination or teaching Jerry to golf.
Interdimensional Cable
Appearance: S1E8 Rixty Minutes
After getting things done with the help of Mr. Meeseeks, it would be great to relax in front of a TV that has access to all known shows from all possible dimensions, right? The only tweak fans would make to the cable box is the ability to add projects to the Favorites folder. After all, who wants to sift through a gazillion channels just to find that awesome show you watched last night?
Appearance: S3E9 The ABC's of Beth
Froopyland may have been a disaster for the Smith family, but just think how beneficial it could be to our world if used responsibly. The technology of collapsed subdimensional space allows you to create your own personalized world. You can design every nook and cranny, and there's virtually endless space to play with. All you need is a wall big enough for a door. What a game changer!
These five technologies are certainly mind-blowing, but let’s not forget about the most essential device - the Plumbus! Seriously, every household needs its own all-purpose home appliance. It's a must-have, no ifs, ands, or buts about it!
Source: Reddit.