The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Did Pharazon Usurp the Throne?

Events in Middle-earth begin to gain momentum.
The Rings of Power continues on Prime Video – if you've already dropped the show but are still interested in what's going on in Middle-earth, our recap of Episode 5 is for you.
What Happened in Episode 4 Finale?
At the end of Episode 4, Isildur, Arondir, and Estrid set out to search for Theo and find him in an ent camp. The Ents lament the damage the orcs have done to their forest, and some of them blame other races of Middle-earth for their troubles.
After Arondir promises to stop the orcs, the ents agree to free Theo and the wild men they have captured, including Estrid's beloved.
Episode 5 Begins with the Dwarves Rings Ready
The seven rings for the dwarves are ready. Despite his son's objections, King Durin immediately uses the ring to search for new sources of light. Disa, who a few episodes ago persuaded her husband to take Celebrimbor's offer to her father, suddenly begins to have doubts. Her fears increase when the king introduces a new tax to be paid on every market transaction.
Consumed by greed, Old Durin offers the six remaining rings to other dwarven rulers in exchange for half their wealth. He also plans to break his own ban and begin mining gold in the lowest levels, despite the evil that lurks there.
Celebrimbor Suspects that Annatar Is Not Who He Claims to Be
Meanwhile, Annatar tries to persuade Celebrimbor to forge rings for men, but the smith refuses. Then the cunning villain decides to do it all himself, and Celebrimbor questions the motives of the elf for the first time. His doubts are heightened by the appearance of younger Durin, who recounts how much his father's behavior has changed since he received the magical artifact.
The blacksmith voices his doubts to Annatar, but he makes a counter-accusation, claiming that Celebrimbor desecrated the Dwarf rings by lying to Gil-galad. And now, to restore balance, nine more rings for men must be forged as a matter of urgency.
Adar Offers Galadriel to Join Forces Against Sauron
In a dream, Gil-galad sees the destruction wrought by Sauron. Elrond, who has returned to Lindon, warns him of the approaching orc army. Meanwhile, Adar suggests that Galadriel unite the forces of elves and orcs against their common enemy – Sauron.
Pharazon Usurps the Throne
After receiving the crown, Pharazon begins the purges. All those who remained loyal to Miriel are stripped of their rank and position, not least because of Earien's actions. Father and daughter exchange some harsh words, and Valandil tells the woman directly that she has betrayed them all.
Pharazon outlaws the Church of the Valar. Kemen kills Valandil, and Elendil ends up behind bars. Meanwhile, Pharazon succumbs to the temptation to test Palantir himself.