The List of All Major Deaths in The Boys Comics

Looks like we're in for a lot of tragic deaths in Season 5.
The fourth season finale of The Boys is approaching and will be released this Thursday. We still have one more season to go before the series that began in 2019 ends once and for all, but we should already be wary of what's to come, as not every character will be left standing.
Created by Eric Kripke, The Boys deviates in many ways from its source material, the comic book series of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. But despite all the aspects of the story that have been significantly reworked, certain moments in the series will lead to the same outcomes. With that in mind, here's a look at all the major characters from The Boys who died during the comic book series.
Queen Maeve
While the show's Queen Maeve survived the explosion in the season 3 finale, in the comic book, Queen Maeve sacrificed herself to save Starlight from Homelander. Unfortunately, Homelander ripped off her head.
Soldier Boy
The comic book Soldier Boy is a title held by three different people. The first, on whom the show's character is based, was killed by Mallory for his wartime atrocities. Little is known about the second, except that he was cast in propaganda films and is now deceased. The third, the most cowardly, was abducted by Butcher and then tortured to death.
While Jessie T. Usher's A-Train is in mortal danger because Homelander knows about the mole, in the comic he remains a cynical scumbag, and so Hughie, shot full of Compound V, kicks him in the head, instantly leaving him headless.
In the final chapters of the comic, the leader of the Seven went full psycho and marched with an army of Supes to storm the White House. However, he is murdered by none other than Black Noir, who turns out to be a clone of Homelander, created to stop him if he got out of control.
Black Noir
The wounded clone of Homelander was beaten to death with a crowbar by Butcher shortly thereafter. Black Noir II did not exist in the comic.
Yes, you heard right, Ryan died in the comics. However, his prototype is completely different from his show counterpart: In the comics, he was not Homelander's son, but Black Noir's, and was an infant superhero. Billy Butcher beat him to death with a lamp stand.
As you may know, Mallory was changed to a woman on the show. In the comics, the founder of The Boys, Greg Mallory, appears to have been killed by Butcher, but it happened off-screen, so he may have survived.
Billy Butcher
By the end of the comic, Butcher has gone even more insane than Homelander. He had decided to kill all Compound V hosts on Earth — aiming to wipe out half the population, just like Thanos. Trying to stop Butcher, Hughie fell off the Empire State Building with him.
This paralyzed Butcher, who began begging Hughie to finish him off. Though Hughie initially refused, Billy lied about killing his parents (which, as we know, differs significantly from the events of the show), enraging Hughie and causing him to kill Butcher.
The Boys
Unfortunately, of all the members of The Boys, only Hughie and Annie survived, as the other three were killed by Butcher when they tried to stop him. The first casualties were Frenchie and Kimiko — after Butcher became the prime antagonist, he planted a bomb in The Boys' office. Next was M.M., who was beaten to death by Butcher when he tried to stop him from committing genocide.
The final episode of The Boys Season 4 will air on July 18, 2024.