
One Canon Storyline Should Never Find Its Way Into The Twilight TV Series

One Canon Storyline Should Never Find Its Way Into The Twilight TV Series
Image credit: Summit Entertainment

If the upcoming show is going to be successful, it has to get rid of the controversy.


  • Twilight will always be a huge phenomenon in modern pop culture.
  • The upcoming animated series could add to the franchise's massive fandom.
  • In order to be successful, however, it must cut a highly problematic canon storyline.

It is safe to say that Twilight, both the novel and the film series, have established themselves in modern pop culture as a phenomenon that appeals to generations of viewers. The story of love between a small-town teenager and a century-old vampire sounds simple, but it manages to keep people glued to screens and books.

Future Opportunities

During the COVID pandemic, younger audiences rediscovered the Twilight film series, sealing the franchise's fate. Building on the newfound interest, Lionsgate ordered an animated television series, which is still in the early stages of development.

The animated nature of the new show is a brilliant decision, allowing the creators to break away from the expectations of longtime fans and adapt Stephenie Meyer's original novels as faithfully as possible, showing vampire movement and shape-shifting without the limitations of live action.

However, there is one canon storyline that must be banned from the writing room at all costs if the creators want a new series to be successful.

Problematic Concept

Hopefully, the upcoming show will be able to incorporate the parts of the source material that were cut from the original movie series due to lack of screen time. But one disturbing part of Breaking Dawn will have to be changed.

We are, of course, talking about the concept of imprinting. And specifically the imprinting on infants.

One Canon Storyline Should Never Find Its Way Into The Twilight TV Series - image 1

In the Twilight universe, imprinting is the mechanism that allows shape-shifters to find soul mates. It creates a special bond between a werewolf and his imprintee, which eventually grows into a romantic relationship.

In the books, only male shape-shifters imprint on women and girls, regardless of their age. And it seems that an imprintee has no say in the matter. What's more, when the time comes for a romantic relationship, she can't reject an imprinter without one of them dying. To put it bluntly, this is not a concept that should be in any media at all.

From Satisfying to Shocking

Apparently, Stephenie Meyer introduced imprinting to give a satisfying ending to the famous love triangle between the two leads, Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, and Bella's best friend, werewolf Jacob Black. Team Edward/Team Jacob has always been a big thing in the Twilight fandom, and Meyer wanted to give all the fan-favorite characters a happy ending.

So instead of being left drooling over the woman he can't have, Jacob imprints on Bella and Edward's daughter Renesmee in the story's finale. The girl is only a few weeks old when this happens. Needless to say, instead of feeling pleased, Team Jacob as well as Team Edward and everyone in-between were shocked by this gross turn of events.

Despite that the film series kept the questionable concept of imprinting. But we really hope that the creators of the new animated series will come up with a much better ending for the Twilight love triangle.

Would you cut the concept of imprinting from the new Twilight series?