Nicola Coughlan Confirms Hilarious Reason Behind Penelope's Balloon Mess In Bridgerton S3

Cut the girl some slack!
- The Bridgerton Season 3 is shaping up to be the most divisive yet.
- Many viewers think it's the best they've seen, but there are many who criticize the creative choices for the new chapter.
- At least one complaint can be explained in a rather obvious and hilarious way.
- A viral TikTok video featuring a fan's explanation even got confirmation from Nicola Coughlan.
Even though only the first four episodes of Bridgerton Season 3 have been released, the new chapter is already shaping up to be the most divisive yet among fans. On the one hand, it's breaking Netflix records and there are many opinions online that Season 3 is the best.
On the other hand, the wave of social media complaints and dissatisfaction with the new season is also the biggest in the history of the Netflix romantic drama. Everything from the writing to the styling seems to bother the fans who have been waiting for the love story between Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton for over two years.
This could be a severe case of expectations so high that nothing real could compare, or the backfire of Netflix's decision to split Bridgerton Season 3 into two parts. Most likely, when fans are able to consume the entire story in one sitting, much of the criticism will fade away.
For now, we can solve at least one problem viewers have with the new chapter. And the solution is hilarious, to say the least.
The Balloon Mess
In Episode 3, the whole ton comes to see the presentation of a hot air balloon invented by Lord Hawkins. After some charged cake tasting, a careless rope-tying leads to a near tragedy. The balloon, with a heavy gondola attached to it, is released and begins to move frantically toward the crowd.
People run away from its path, and soon only our own leading lady, Penelope, stands in the way of the gondola, blissfully unaware of the impending danger. Colin sees this and rushes to pull the ropes, other gentlemen following his lead.
That's when Pen finally realizes she's in a damsel-in-distress situation. But she still doesn't run away, freezing in place and letting her friend and new suitor rescue her. That's what doesn't sit right with many viewers. Pen had plenty of time and space to get out of the balloon's way. So why didn't she?
Well, there is a pretty obvious explanation, and the one that Nicola Coughlan, the actress behind Penelope, confirmed herself.
Explanation & Confirmation
TikToker @romanticrantsreads made a viral clip explaining what was going on in Pen's head during the balloon disaster. And we have to say, young Miss Featherington certainly didn't have time to even think about running away.
All she saw when she turned around was the crush of her life without his pirate robe, sleeves rolled up, his amazing forearms open, pulling on the rope and screaming manly things. No wonder she froze, unaware that her life was in danger. Who wouldn't?
'It was the hormones clouding her judgement,' the TikToker explained. 'She didn't realize, until she realized.'
@romanticrantsreads leave my babies alone! theyre so different from previous seasons because unlike saphne and kanthony who all had strong senses of self when they met, penelope and colin are still figuring themselves out. theyre still finding themselves as they find each other and falling in love with each other helps them fall in love with themselves. so its like were watching a romance coming of age story in a way. so ntm on them lol #polin #bridgerton #bridgertonseason3 #bridgertonnetflix #penelopefeatherington #colinbridgerton #VoiceEffects ♬ original sound - jay | bridgerton psychosis
This hilarious (and very realistic) theory apparently found its way into Nicola Coughlan's TikTok thread. And the actress didn't miss a beat in confirming it in the comments of the video.
'This was the reason,' Nicola Coughlan commented in all caps.
Well, it seems that at least one complaint about Bridgerton Season 3 has been resolved. Now let's wait for Part 2, which premieres on June 13, and see if it helps critical viewers get over their dissatisfaction with the first four episodes.
Source: TikTok.