
Major Cast Changes in Bridgerton Season 4: These Actors Aren't Returning

Major Cast Changes in Bridgerton Season 4: These Actors Aren't Returning
Image credit: Netflix

The upcoming season of Bridgerton may not have several cast members returning.


  • Although the new season of Bridgerton is still two years away, some details are already emerging.
  • For example, it has been revealed that Albion Finch will not be returning to the series.
  • There is also a strong possibility that other characters will leave as their arcs are completed.

Here comes the moment of another agonizing wait for the new season of Bridgerton. While the third one disappointed many due to allegedly deleted moments and a partially altered storyline, fans are still eagerly awaiting the continuation of the live-action adaptation of the book series written by Julia Quinn.

Unfortunately, the wait will be no shorter than the last time, as showrunner Jess Brownell has stated that the new season will take about two years to produce.

No word yet on which novel will serve as the source material this time around, though many aspects point to An Offer from a Gentleman, the third book in the series focusing on the second son of the Bridgerton family, Benedict (Luke Thompson). But no matter whose love story comes next, be it Ben himself, Francesca (Hannah Dodd), Eloise (Claudia Jessie) or each of them, we should of course expect new faces to be added to the cast. However, considering that the previous season wrapped up many storylines, it's likely that many actors will not return next time around.

Let's find out who officially won't be back in Bridgerton Season 4 and whose return is unlikely.

These Actors Will Not Be Returning for Bridgerton Season 4

We now officially know that Colin (Luke Newton) and Pen (Nicola Coughlan) will be with the show for at least another season. However, the fate of the Featheringtons in future seasons remains unknown. Especially for Pen's sister and brother-in-law, Philippa and Albion, played by Harriet Cains and Lorn Macdonald.

The fact that Albion Finch will not be a part of the series was hinted at by Macdonald's post on his personal Instagram account.

Major Cast Changes in Bridgerton Season 4: These Actors Aren't Returning - image 1

'What started off with cheese and a sneeze became a character I deeply care about. Huge thanks to everyone who made this a job I'll never forget and to all the fans showing your love for this weird little dude. It means a lot. And to my Philippa,' he wrote in a caption.

As for Philippa, as well as Prudence (Bessie Carter) and Harry (James Foon), given that their storylines were pretty much wrapped up in season three, it's quite possible that we won't see any of Penelope's relatives next season, with the possible exception of Portia (Polly Walker).

Who Else Might Not Be Coming Back in S4?

However, the main character with the greatest potential to leave is Queen Charlotte (Golda Rosheuvel). According to the narrative of the novels, once Lady Whistledown's identity is revealed, she should have no further plot development. Furthermore, although the writers deliberately try to hide the exact date in which the events of season three take place, it is likely that we are close to the date of death of the real Queen Charlotte, who died in November 1818.

However, according to Jess Brownell herself, the writing team has no intention of writing her off, as the Lady Whistledown storyline may get a sequel.

'Now Penelope is a public gossip columnist who people are going to know is the writer when she writes about them. And certainly… she will have to contend with the queen and the queen's demands, the queen's desires, the queen's scrutiny. So how Penelope balances that is fodder for Season 4.'

Also, historical accuracy has never been an argument for Bridgerton's highly romanticized Regency London, so things could change.

'We're just in a different dimension and maybe Queen Charlotte lives longer in that dimension.'

Bridgerton Season 4 is already in development, but it won't be out for a while, with a tentative release date of 2026.

Source: Instagram, Variety.