Dune Prophecy Season 1 Is Over: What Happened in the Finale?

The dark secrets of the Harkonnen sisters and what Tula has to do with Desmond.
On December 22nd, the first season of Dune: Prophecy ended. Let's find out how the first chapter ended and what happened in the last episodes.
Secrets of the Harkonnen Sisters
Episode 6 starts with a flashback. Tula relives the events of the night her sister Valya killed Dorotea. Young Valya, Kasha and Francesca agree to stick to the version that the deceased committed suicide. Soon, Tula tells Valya that she is pregnant by Orry Atreides. Valya promises to help her keep the baby if she wants.
In the present, at the Bene Gesserit school, Tula sorts out the frightening images from the students' nightmares and the deaths of the Order members. Together with Sister Nazir, she concludes that the dead were victims of a virus that feeds on fear and is likely a biological weapon. Tula decides to create an antivirus, but this leads to Nazir's death.
Meanwhile, Desmond Hart interrogates the imprisoned Keiran Atreides in an attempt to learn more about the connections between the Sisterhood and the rebels; he refuses to cooperate. Princess Ynez attempts to free Keiran from captivity, but is intercepted by her mother, Natalya, and the girl is held by guards.
Emperor Javicco asks Francesca to stay and promises to find her a place in the palace. A few moments later, he even admits that his wife knows everything and will be happy to end the farce in their relationship, promising to leave Natalya and marry Francesca.
Valya, meanwhile, decides to free the princess in order to protect her until the coronation, which will take place after the overthrow of the emperor.
In another flashback, the sisters discuss the thinking machines. Valya insists that they can be used as a tool to carry out their plans, including studying the genetic catalog of the Empire and making the necessary alliances.
With the help of the machine, the sisters understand that they must bring Javicco and Natalya together so that they will give birth to a daughter who will become one of the sisters of the order and take the throne.
In the same scene, Tula learns of her son's enormous potential and decides to stop his sister from using him for the Bene Gesserit.
In the present day, Tula goes to her son, Desmond Hart, to study the virus.
Tragedy at the Bene Gesserit School
Lila, who has Dorotea's consciousness inside her, escapes and searches for information about her followers. She soon realizes that her followers have been killed, their information erased, and that Valya is behind it all. Later, Dorotea reveals to the sisters the truth about the order's bloody past and the lies of Valya and Tula.
In a flashback, Valya's voice forces Dorotea's followers to make a choice: accept her as Mother Superior or slit their throats. All but Sister Avila eventually choose the latter.
In the present, Dorotea shows the students of the school the remains of her followers that she has found, victims of Valya and her followers, and tells the sisters that she will return the order to the true path. She then begins to destroy the thinking machine.
The Fall of Emperor Javicco and the Escape of Ynez and Keiran
Desmond realizes that the Bene Gesserit sisterhood's influence on the Emperor is too great. Natalya makes a demand of Javicco: he must listen to her now. The Emperor then asks Valya, who has arrived, for help, promising that everything will be back to normal if she will free him from Hart.
However, Valya confesses to Javicco that his fate, including his rule, was part of the Sisterhood's larger plans. The shocked Emperor orders the guards to arrest her, which is exactly what she wanted.
Valya helps Ynez free herself, while Sister Theodosia transforms into the princess to temporarily replace her until the Sisterhood has sorted out all the problems.
However, Ynez demands that Keiran be freed as well, refusing to leave without him. Hart and the guards rush to Valya, but do not find her, only receiving a wound from a guard who turns out to be Theodosia, transformed. He orders her arrested.
The Emperor, distraught, realizes that his entire life has been a lie. Francesca refuses to carry out Valya's order to kill Javicco. However, the emperor decides to take control of his own destiny and commits suicide.
Francesca rushes to his aid. Natalyaa stabs her with a poisoned needle and then will most likely arrange everything to make it look like Francesca killed the emperor.
Meeting of Mother and Son
In the next flashback, Tula says goodbye to her newborn son. The baby is given to a woman who gave birth to a stillborn child, who in turn is presented as Tula's dead son. All this is to prevent Valya from using the gifted boy for her own purposes.
In the present, Valya lets Ynez and Keiran go, and she deals with Hart's people and is left alone with him. Hart tries to infect his aunt with the virus and loses consciousness. Tula rushes to her son, but sees her sister in serious condition and tries to help her fight the virus.
As Valya fights the virus, she has a vision. In it, she notices a mysterious silhouette and also sees robotic devices performing an operation on Desmond, implanting a thinking machine in his eye that creates a virus.
Valya finally regains consciousness and tries to gouge out Hart's eye; Tula stops her sister with her voice. She reveals that Desmond is her son, whom she hid from her sister to prevent him from becoming part of the Bene Gesserit's plans. Valya allows her sister to decide the fate of her son.
After a brief reunion with his mother, Desmond orders his men to arrest her. In the final scene, Valya, Ynez, and Keiran arrive on Arrakis.