A Mini-Series Dubbed "Coldest Ending Ever" is a Must-Watch on Netflix

Nobody likes predictability, especially when it comes to movies, because if we can guess what happens at the end, what is the point of watching for so long?
Gone Girl, Shutter Island and Fractured are all movies that managed to hold us in their grip from start to finish, giving enough to keep fans invested without spoiling the ending they were building up to. All three movies are known and still talked about for their painful and unexpected endings, a feat that few manage to pull off. It would be even harder for a series to get to that point.
When it comes to unhappy and unexpected endings in a series, many are likely to think of the mind-bending stories and disturbing conclusions in Netflix's Black Mirror, but there is a far lesser known series available to stream that has an ending that truly makes our blood run cold.
A brilliantly unexpected and unsettling ending
One of the greatest opportunities to leave a lasting impression comes in the final moments, and this show waits until the very end to deliver a final blow to the audience, and a twist that many will never forgive. One critic explained her feelings as follows:
"I admire, for its sheer, nasty audacity, the double twist that ends the story. To achieve its impact, though, the limited series requires you not merely to suspend your disbelief, but strap it to a rocket and send it to the Milky Way".
It's surprising that so many Netflix users haven't seen or heard of Behind Her Eyes. The British miniseries starring Simona Brown, Eve Hewson and Tom Bateman was released in February 2021 and has been waiting patiently to be seen.
The series is not what you initially think
Perhaps it is the show's unassuming surface. Behind Her Eyes presents itself as a drama, a marriage in turmoil, a scandalous affair, and an unusual friendship. Most of this is true. The story centers on Louise, a young single mother who begins an affair with a married psychiatrist after taking a part-time job in his office. She then secretly befriends his distant and cold wife, Adele.
The premise seems simple enough, but over the course of 6 episodes, the series takes us back and forth between past and present to reveal a dark and mysterious presence at work and the shocking truth we never expected. As unusual and exciting as this revelation is, it's not the end, and it's certainly not the showstopper.
It all leads to the ending
Behind Her Eyes will take you on a psychologically thrilling, twisting path to an ending that will give you just a moment to catch your breath and relax before a quiet and shocking conclusion.
Without giving away any spoilers, we can confirm that the final moments of Behind Her Eyes are both brilliant and devastating, catching fans completely off guard and taking a few moments to sink in.
With a 58% audience rating and a 63% RottenTomato score, this British mystery thriller clearly wasn't for everyone. That said, nothing can replace a truly cold and unexpected ending, and the series certainly delivers on that front.
Behind Your Eyes is available to stream on Netflix, and while you may be drawn to the show to see the ending, it also offers a truly unique and intriguing storyline, supported by strong performances and a serene setting.