7 Best Sci-Fi Movies of the Last 5 Years to Stream for Free in May 2024

From DCEU movies to a provocative film from David Cronenberg's son.
When you don't want to pay for a streaming service for a movie or two without knowing if you'll be satisfied afterward, ad-supported platforms come to the rescue.
One of them is Tubi. Here are 7 great sci-fi movies you can stream for free on Tubi in May 2024.
7. Black Adam
Release date: October 21, 2022
Rotten Tomatoes score: 38%
On Tubi you can find not only classics from the last century, forgotten films from the 00s and modern low-budget projects, but also a few big-budget movies. Some of them may only be on the streaming service because they failed commercially and critically. Still, the DCEU's Black Adam impressed those viewers who didn't have preconceived notions about the movie and watched it for the action-packed superhero scenes and Dwayne Johnson.
6. Underwater
Release date: January 10, 2020
Rotten Tomatoes score: 48%
Now, ignore the low score on RT, as critics were overly harsh on the film upon its release. Audiences have received the film quite warmly, and recent critical reviews have redefined Underwater as a solid B-horror flick.
The plot of William Eubank's sci-fi horror with Kristen Stewart follows a team of scientists conducting research at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Little did they know that some terrifying creatures lurk in the deepest reaches of the Pacific Ocean.
5. The Colony
Release date: August 27, 2021
Rotten Tomatoes score: 54%
The plot follows a group of astronauts, descendants of the elite who left Earth long ago, who return to their original planet because of infertility caused by radiation. What they do not know is that Earth is now inhabited by the descendants of the remaining humans on the planet, who are not at all friendly to the aliens. One of the roles in the movie is played by the incomparable star of Game of Thrones, Iain Glen.
4. Willy's Wonderland
Release date: February 12, 2021
Rotten Tomatoes score: 61%
Nicolas Cage is enjoying a new era of popularity, starring in eccentric and innovative projects. Among them is a 2021 comedy-horror that will remind many of Five Nights at Freddy's. The plot follows a janitor who has to deal with murderous animatronics possessed by the souls of killers.
3. Share?
Release date: November 10, 2023
Rotten Tomatoes score: 70%
Tubi is a really valuable service that provides a platform for all kinds of B-movies, which can sometimes be hidden gems. We recommend checking out the sci-fi thriller Share?
Like the Black Mirror episode Fifteen Million Merits, the film's concept satirizes the entertainment industry and the neoliberal consumption. It all begins when the nameless protagonist wakes up with amnesia in a mysterious cell under the scrutiny of an unseen audience. Now his only currency is to entertain the audience, but will he play by the rules?
2. The Suicide Squad
Release date: February 12, 2021
Rotten Tomatoes score: 90%
DCEU movies sometimes end up not only on Max, but also on Tubi. For example, the service gave a second life to The Suicide Squad, which, despite rave reviews, flopped in theaters due to the Сovid-19 pandemic. And yet, The Suicide Squad is one of the best films of James Gunn's career.
1. Possessor
Release date: October 2, 2020
Rotten Tomatoes score: 94%
Finally, our list is rounded off by a sci-fi psychological horror directed by Brandon Cronenberg, son of the king of horror films, David Cronenberg. The plot follows an assassin who, with the help of technology, is able to transfer her consciousness into the bodies of others. Until one day, one of the hosts puts up stiff resistance.