5 Wild Harry Potter Fan Theories We Wish Were Actually True

5 Wild Harry Potter Fan Theories We Wish Were Actually True
Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Severus Snape's true destiny, Neville's wand and the main secret of the wizard cards.

Fans of the Harry Potter adventures are truly lucky: in her works, J. K. Rowling not only created an original magical universe, but also gave her fans many opportunities for creative inventions.

Sometimes their unpredictable theories are confirmed by the author herself. Others are just fan speculation, but they make sense.

1. Severus Snape Is Alive

The fate of the professor haunts devoted Potter fans: thanks to Alan Rickman, Severus Snape became one of the saga's most beloved characters. It was in the book that the conditions for the fan theory were found.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, the professor's body was not in the common room where the dead rested, and Snape's phantom did not appear under the influence of the Resurrection Stone. In addition, fans doubted that the Potions Master, who knew all the possible risks, had no antidote for Nagini's bite.

However, if we go by the version presented in the movie, Severus died more from loss of blood than from the poison of the snake's venom. Be that as it may, but it is a warming thought that Snape fulfilled his duty as a double agent and settled down somewhere in the wilderness.

2. Draco Became a Werewolf

The strange pre-fainting state of Draco in the Half-Blood Prince is usually associated with pressure from the Death Eaters and the older Malfoys, as well as the not-always-successful experiments with the Vanishing Cabinet and attempts to kill the Headmaster.

However, particularly inventive fans have suggested that Lord Voldemort ordered Fenrir Greyback to bite Draco in order to turn the boy into a werewolf, in order to increase his loyalty. As a result, Malfoy is at odds with himself throughout the year, trying to adjust to the changes in his body.

3. Neville's Wand Was the Main Problem

Perhaps the story of Neville's wand is not even a theory, but an observation of fans. The boy's failures in magic and studies ended with a change of wands in his senior year: at first, he used the one he inherited from his father.

The family heirloom was destroyed at the end of the events described in the Order of the Phoenix, under the curse of a Death Eater. Neville was terribly afraid that his grandmother would be angry, but Augusta Longbottom did not even think of scolding her grandson after the battle he had survived.

Given the importance of choosing a wand, it is quite possible that a sentimental gesture of devotion backfired on the wizard's magical talents, and the new wand helped Neville's potential to unfold.

4. Wizard Card Inserts Are Albus Dumbledore's Spies

Before the first day of school, in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express, Ron informs Harry that Albus Dumbledore from the Wizard Card will not be staying with the boy all day. Most suspected nothing more than a love of freedom in the wizard's desire to "go for a walk," but some thought the network of cards was an excellent option for spying.

If the portraits can constantly report on the situation, then it is quite possible that the "Army of Dumbledores" has all the tools to gain valuable information needed by the powerful prototype.

5. Neville Is Also the Chosen One, Just Like Harry

Rowling herself has said more than once that Neville is just as chosen as Harry Potter: the boys' fate was predetermined by Voldemort, who chose Godric's Hollow according to Sybill Trelawney's prophecy.

But what if James and Lily Potter's house was only the first stop on the way? It is unlikely that Voldemort would rely on chance and allow even one "but" to creep into the plan of power: it is easier to eliminate all possible rivals than to rely on intuition.

Perhaps Neville's parents, Frank and Alice, suffered a terrible punishment at the hands of Bellatrix and other Death Eaters for a reason. Fans suggest that Neville was the next person Voldemort wanted to kill, after dealing with the Potters.